The LaTeX sources of my Ph.D. thesis
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entity pair graph.tex (925B)

      1 \begin{tikzpicture}[sentence/.style={draw=black!30,rounded corners=1mm,align=left,text width=#1}]
      2 	\node[sentence=9cm] (ep1) {The trustees invested \textcolor{Dark2-A}{\uhead{money}} directly into \textcolor{Dark2-C}{\utail{funds}} made available by Newton Investment.};
      3 	\node[sentence=4cm, above=3cm of ep1, anchor=east, xshift=-1cm] (ep2) {Huge \textcolor{Dark2-A}{\uhead{money}} is given to \textcolor{Dark2-B}{\utail{companies}} for boosting economy.};
      4 	\node[sentence=45mm, above=2cm of ep1, anchor=west, xshift=1cm] (ep3) {Japan injected \textcolor{Dark2-C}{\uhead{funds}} into struggling \textcolor{Dark2-B}{\utail{companies}}.};
      6 	\draw[color=Dark2-A] (ep1) -- (ep2) node[midway, sloped, above,color=Dark2-A] {money};
      7 	\draw[color=Dark2-B] (ep2) -- (ep3) node[midway, sloped, above,color=Dark2-B] {companies};
      8 	\draw[color=Dark2-C] (ep3) -- (ep1) node[midway, sloped, above,color=Dark2-C] {funds};
      9 \end{tikzpicture}